Jigsaw Chelmsford Celebrates First Term Success
- Published Date: August 14, 2018
Starting your own business venture would be a daunting prospect for most people. It takes determination, belief and a lot of hard work to build something from the ground up. A prospect that would send most of us heading for the hills tightly clutching our pay slips. However, striking out on your own can be one of the most rewarding career moves you can make, and it doesn’t have to be all work and no play either! In fact, having fun is an important part of what we do at Jigsaw!
As a Jigsaw Franchisee running your own performing arts school, you would already have a solid frame work and years of experience to support you on your journey. You’ll be investing in your future and the future of the children who attend your school, teaching them skills for life, with a business that can fit around your current lifestyle.
Our most recent franchisee Abbie has just completed her first term at her new Jigsaw Performing Arts School, Jigsaw Chelmsford. We caught up with Abbie to find out what it’s been like, after months of preparation to finally complete her first term and Summer Holiday Workshop.
How did your first day feel?
“I was extremely nervous for the first day. I just had this horrible feeling that I would arrive at the school and it wouldn’t be open. But once I had arrived and the students started arriving, I was just so taken aback that after all the months of hard work my school was finally open! Parents have entrusted me with their children and the students themselves have dedicated their time and effort to Jigsaw Chelmsford. It’s overwhelming to see my school working just like the other Jigsaw schools.
My Saturday school is the quickest 4 hours of my week. I look forward to the next week as soon as one has finished. I genuinely adore my school. I have been very fortunate to have a lovely teaching team, brilliant students and parents to support my first term.”
What would be your advice to anyone starting up their own Jigsaw Franchise?
“Do everything you can to get yourself established in your area. I did a lot of free school workshops, which paid off as 4 of my Summer Holiday Workshop students knew me as “the Jigsaw lady who came to our school.”
What are you looking forward to next term?
“Seeing all of my students back from the last term excited to start a new term! It was lovely to see some of them at the Summer Holiday Workshop with already so much more confidence. I’m also looking forward to introducing new students to the lovely cohort of current students.
Finally, I’m excited for our end of term presentations! It will be lovely to see how my current students have developed in ability and confidence since their last presentation.”
If you want to open you very own Jigsaw Performing Arts School, or it has been a lifelong dream to offer engaging performing arts classes for children, why not book your place on a Franchise Discovery Day? Come along for friendly informal chat, meet the team and discover how you could run your own successful franchise. Please email franchise@jigsaw-arts.co.uk for more information.