Meet Jigsaw Franchisee Emily
- Published Date: October 31, 2023
Jigsaw Franchisee Emily first fell in love with Jigsaw Arts when she moved to London in 2013 after finishing drama school. After working in various Jigsaw schools across London, Emily found her home at Jigsaw Balham as their singing teacher, then manager in 2018 and now owner.

Emily, Owner and Manager of Jigsaw Balham!
We spoke to Emily about her Jigsaw Journey:
“Fast forward to 2021 and the opportunity arose to purchase Jigsaw Balham as my very own franchise, to say I was excited was an understatement, to say I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing was an even bigger one! The team were fabulous at supporting me to set the business up, take over and continue the smooth running of the school.
Despite taking over a month before Covid lockdown restrictions came into place, signing that piece of paper was the best work choice I have ever made.

Moving forward into 2023, I am a new mum, juggling work, life and a small human being. My franchise support manager, along with the rest of the head office team, have been wonderful at keeping in touch and providing help when the sleepless nights have made me forgotten how to do something technical on the website.
The Jigsaw network has always felt like a family and it is a family I am very proud to be a part of. Whenever I meet with the head office team or another franchisee, there is always a bright, positive and exciting energy.
Everyone invested in the brand is invested in the ethos of making Jigsaw a place to belong, not only for the children and their families, but also the staff and people involved behind the scenes.
I would 100% invest in a Jigsaw franchise if I had my time again. Buying into a well established brand that is recognised and trusted puts you 10 steps ahead of everyone else before you even start. The guidance and support to grow the business is brilliant and tailored to suit you at any given moment in your life.
Having a baby has sure made me take a slight step back in order to learn how to be a mum, but I have more drive than ever to make this work for my family and I certainly cannot wait to continue to grow my business!”
Learn more about the classes at Jigsaw Balham here: