Spotlight On Jigsaw Teacher Shannen
- Published Date: November 9, 2015
Shannen has been teaching dance and Performing Arts for Jigsaw for just over a year now in Broxbourne. Shannen has recently joined the teaching team in Jigsaw Ware and they are currently working on their show “Funny Goings On in Gloobury Mansions”. Here is a little insight into Shannen’s Performing Arts background and why she finds teaching so rewarding…
Where are you from? Hertfordshire
When did you start working at Jigsaw? Summer term in 2014.
Which Jigsaw schools do you and have you worked in? Jigsaw Broxbourne and Jigsaw Ware
What subject do you teach? Dance and Performing Arts
Where did you train? Italia Conti Arts Centre (3 Years), DNA Studios (Teacher Training) (1 Year), The Dance College (Teacher Training) (Currently Studying There)
What did you do before Jigsaw? Have you had any jobs that you loved/hated? I have only ever been a Dance and Performing Arts teacher. This is my 7th year and I still absolutely love it!
What’s your greatest career achievement? Working professionally as the Dance Captain on a Resident Entertainment team at a Warner Leisure Hotel for a year!
What do you enjoy the most at Jigsaw? Seeing every class run in each week smiling and excited to dance.
What has been your favourite moment at Jigsaw? Definitely being entertained by some seriously impressive moves and skills by the kids during their break times at Jigsaw Ware!
What’s your favourite show? I couldn’t possibly pick, I love every show! The most recent 2 shows I have seen though were ‘Matilda’ and ‘Memphis’, they were both incredible. I’d recommend them both to anyone!
What would be the most rewarding role or show for you to do? Anything, I’m not picky, haha. Just as long as it was an enjoyable and challenging role. Then I would have a sense of achievement from it.
Who is your favourite actor/actress? Why? Anne Hathaway and Johnny Depp. They are both realistic and versatile!
Do you have a favourite song? Sadly no, but I like anything that’s upbeat and puts you in a good mood. So I play ‘I Don’t Like It, I Love It’ by Flo Rida & Robin Thicke in class a lot!
If you had a film of your life who would play you? Amy Schumer – She’s hilarious!
Anything else you think we should know about you? Thanks to having family in Australia, I’ve been lucky enough to have travelled around the whole world. There are plenty of memorable, beautiful places to explore out there!
Jigsaw Performing Arts is dedicated to developing performance skills, promoting self-expression and building confidence. We offer performing arts classes for children aged between 3 – 18. Find your nearest school by entering your postcode into the search on our home page.