Spotlight on Karina, Jigsaw Stevenage Dance teacher!
- Published Date: November 30, 2023
Today we shine our spotlight on Karina, Jigsaw Stevenage’s longest standing teacher and cover manager! Karina teaches dance at Jigsaw Stevenage on Saturday mornings and has been a great support to all. Karina trained at IItalia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts and joined Jigsaw Stevenage in 2018.

Aside from teaching Dance at Jigsaw Stevenage, what do you enjoy the most at Jigsaw?
I definitely enjoy the show term the most. I love watching the progress and journey from Week 1 when the children are learning/selecting the drama, singing and dance material, to the Show week where they have the finished piece ready to perform on stage for all the parents to see. I love the dedication, commitment and hard working attitude all students bring to rehearsals as well as hearing and witnessing all their incredibly creative ideas that make our show so personal to our school.
What do you do when you are not teaching Dance at Jigsaw Stevenage?
My favourite hobby would definitely be taking dance classes at pineapple dance studios or BASE in London. I also love yoga!
What is your favourite show to watch?
My favourite show would have to be Miss Saigon. The music and storyline is so powerful and moving that it brings me to tears and I have goosebumps from start to finish.
If there was a film based on your life, who would play you?
Emilia Clarke
Who is your favourite actress/actor?
My favourite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio.
What is your favourite song?
It’s all coming back to me now – Meatloaf
Which show would you most like to perform in?
I think the show I would enjoy the most if I had an opportunity to be in would be Wicked as it is the first musical I ever saw. It is a dream of mine to play Elphaba on stage!