Stay Connected
- Published Date: April 19, 2022
What does ‘stay connected’ mean to you?
When you hear the words ‘stay connected’ do you automatically think about your Wifi connection or your mobile phone? Of course, the internet and the available technology in the world has made our lives so much easier. Or has it? All the devices we now own do the opposite of improving our quality of life when we spend too much time on them.
As parents, we have seen the change in the way we live our lives. We worry about how much time our children spend playing video games, watching YouTube and messaging friends. The more time they spend online the more distracted they become and they experience less true connections.
True connections are human experiences where we interact with people on a personal level. Combine these interactions with movement and creativity for a healthy combination that really feeds our mind, body and spirit. Dance, Drama and Singing classes really provide these interactions for our children when they are encouraged to collaborate with their peers to create a performance. It is such a positive environment for young people to be in.
There are lots of activities that provide these connections for our children, many sports, youth clubs, music school, language school, they are all healthy environments for our children but performing arts really does tick all the boxes.
You don’t have to have aspirations to become a West End or film star to enjoy the very basic benefits of performing arts classes.
To stay connected in the human sense, give performing arts a try.
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